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Малое Золотое кольцо - Гороховец


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Internet Wi-Fi


Russian sauna with wood

On the territory of the house is a real Russian banya jointed pine, a steam room and a waiting room lined with clapboard linden, birch wood fired sauna.

"Bathhouse soars, sauna rules, bath gives health"

Since ancient times, Bath was appreciated in Russia is much more than just a place to cleanse the flesh. It is a real ritual, and is associated with the full liberation of man from all the excess physically and spiritually.

Largely due to the bath with fragrant wood birch and oak twigs Ancient Rus famous knights and beautiful maidens. Steam helps to be strong and healthy, protects against many diseases, invigorates the mind and body.

For centuries, Bath is the greatest healing power that can cure ailments and patients return healthy vigor. With our Russian bath on the wood you can easily reset the load of everyday worries. Hot steam, full of magical scent of fragrant herbs, rye bread and meadow honey so good broom. After the bathhouse your fatigue as a hand lift, leave melancholy and sadness, the body will become easy and thoughts - cleanliness.


The atmosphere of unspoiled countryside where carefully preserved ancient customs, which is the wisdom of our ancestors.